How You Can Help:

Your support can change lives today and influence future generations by backing one of our grassroots leaders in your local community through Bethel House India. Your contributions aid in establishing life centers and conducting educational seminars and webinars that equip individuals to break cycles of abuse, abortion, infanticide, co-dependency, substance abuse, and more. Together with our Indian partners, we pave the way for brighter futures for families and communities, transforming lives across generations. Join us in restoring dignity to individuals and families and building stronger communities throughout India. Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to our mission.

Join Us:

Partnering with our Indian and Canadian collaborators, Bethel House India continues to extend messages of hope, healing, compassion, and care in every circumstance. We are committed to ensuring that every person we serve understands their inherent value and worth, feeling respected, heard, cared for, supported, educated, embraced, and empowered. This mission gives hope not only for their future but also for that of their families.

Giving by e-Transfer

One way of giving that has many advantages that more people enjoy is through e-transfer. You can do it from your online banking website. This is a two-step process that can be done quickly.

Step 1: Fill out the e-Transfer form.

Step 2: Complete e-Transfer at your banking website.

E-transfers must be sent to Devxchange at Be sure to include the password you use in the e-transfer on the form.

Fill out this form

Giving by Cheque

If you would like to donate by cheque, please make it out to the following address. On the memo line, please specify “Canadian Operations” or “Bethel House India.”

Giving by Credit/Debit

If you would like to donate this way, please click on the project; the option will be available.

Devxchange International Programs: PO Box 224, Barrie, ON  L4M 4T2

*Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to our mission*