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Bethel House India’s Canadian Support Ministries

Bethel House India is a faith-based pastoral arm of life-affirming work that upholds the value of all human life from the womb to the tomb. Offering options, support, resources, life skills, education, awareness, and funding for life-affirming care centres across the Nation of India. 


"The place God calls you to is the place where your gladness and the world's deep hunger meet"

-Frederick Buechner

Raised: $0.00
Goal: $7,500.00
Bethel House India Life Centres
Abortion takes innocent lives, hurts women, destroys families, and weakens countries. BHI stands against the cultural views endorsing the deconstruction of human life and family by providing support through unexpected pregnancy and life-affirming alternatives to abortion.

Changing Minds - Saving Lives

Healing Hearts - Saving Souls 

There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ,

who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: "MINE!" 

-Abraham Kuyper

Raised: $30.00
Goal: $7,500.00

Giving by e-Transfer

One way of giving that has many advantages and more people are enjoying is through e-Transfer because you can do it from your online banking website. This is a 2-step process that can be done easily.

Step 1: Fill out e-Transfer form.

Step 2: Complete e-Transfer at your banking website.

E-Transfers must be sent to Devxchange at “”. Be sure that you include on the form the password you use in the e-Transfer.


Giving by Cheque

If you would like to donate by cheque, please make cheque out to the following address. Please specify, on the memo line, “Bethel Canadian Support Ministries,” “Bethel House India” or “BHI – D.O.” These accounts are for Canadian operations, the work in India and the development officer.

Devxchange International Programs

PO Box 224
Barrie, ON  L4M 4T2

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